Alert And Voice Out
This is a piece of information sharing with my buddies here especially for those who are writing for Sponsored Review (SR). I'll check with the amount paid whether or not it's really being sent to my paypal account from time to time. So, that's one morning I do the same and to my surprise the money in SR which is shown being sent to my paypal was not found in my paypal account. There was no such transaction found! Then, I quickly submit a ticket to SR to tell them about this problem. I'm very satisfied with their support team for their prompt action. Days after, they replied me that they found out there's a pro hacker had hacked into some bloggers' account and channelled the money into theirs and I was one of the unlucky one! But SR is pro enough whereby they asked me to change the password and they'll send me the said amount of money which they supposed to send me on the specified date. So I checked my mail box and my paypal account this morning, yes I got my money already. Thanks SR, you did a good job!
You better check yours and remember to inform them as soon as possible if this happen to your account too.
You better check yours and remember to inform them as soon as possible if this happen to your account too.
Labels: Blogging
Thanks for the heads up! I'll have to check mine out.
Well done with the chup, girl!! *wink*
aaaargh I rarely check my payment..too complicated for me.. hm.. anyway, I rarely write for SR as well.. hehehe so lazy ya?
~ Yeah better check it quick.
~ Thx! I'm not lazy whenever deal with payment. hehehe...
err. i better check next time..
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