Life Is Mysterious


Friday, May 2, 2008

Same One?...

It was last Saturday, hubby and I went to a nearby cafe to have breakfast. Breakfast + lunch, to be accurate because the lazy guy woke up late so we usually have 2+1 meal in the afternoon. If we are not going any places for shopping then we'll eat at cafe place because cafe is more comfortable & relaxing, we'll chat a while after eating. By the time I was enjoying my bowl of Ipoh Kueh Teow Soup (yum yum)..., my hubby told me OMG, a guy coming in with the same T-shirt as I was wearing! I was whispering " don't get near here, please...."but all the tables were seated except one beside us. Then the guy with his family seated beside us. I know this kind of incident is not special but the T-shirt I'm wearing is bought from Korea when my bro visit there last year. So chances for such incident should be slim happened! The guy knew and we starred at each other. We pretended nothing was happen and continued our meal. They left the cafe faster than us. hehe...

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Blogger Sweet Jasmine said...

Ha..ha..ho.ho..couldn't help laughing at this coincidence....this same t-shirt thing used to happen many times to my son H...and I was the one who buys all his shirts...did get some scolding fr. him....coz I'll always buy around sales time..most people would have done so too....

May 5, 2008 at 2:43 PM  

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